Reading List

Bolded Titles are New Materials

  • Conference Mission Insight Initiative
    • Church Conference Presentation
    • Workshop Step 1:  Compilation and Comparison Chart
    • QuickInsite Report (5 Mile Radius)
    • Mission Insite:  Quick Insite Group Workshop
    • Scranton/Wilkes-Barre District Mission Insite Guide for Church Conferences
    • Church Conference Guide for 2021 Mission Insite Report
  • Pope Frances’ Book:  Let Us Dream:  The Path to a Better Future
    • Framework
      • Opening Remarks to Looking at a New Path to a Better Future
      • The Path to a Better Future
      • Notes from The Path to a Better Future
  • Reading Material on Possible Topics
    • Pri 1:  Being a Christian
      • Ministry Matters:  The Four Rules of Helping
      • Ministry Matters:  Do No Harm
      • Ministry Matters:  Think Like a Wesleyan
      • Ministry Matters:  How to Be a Christian Woman (According to Men)
      • Compassions Fruit
      • SPRC Training:  The Culture of the Call
      • Culture of the Call – “The Why”
  • Pri 2:  Being a Church
    • Ministry Matters:  Are Aging Churches a Bad Thing?
    • Ministry Matters:  Misunderstanding the Small Church
    • UM News:  Don’t Count Out Small, Rural Churches
    • Ministry Matters:  Three Stubborn Obstacles That KeepYour Congregation Stuck                                                                                                                                        
    • Ministry Matters:  The Heart of the United Methodist Crisis:  Passio Dei
    • Looking Back to Move Forward
    • Not Dead Yet
    • Ministry Matters:  Is Church Attendance Linked to Higher Rates of Coronavirus?
    • Grace Upon Grace
    • Ministry Matters:  Imagining New Methodism:  A Denomination that Prioritizes Small Churches
    • Ministry Matters:  Guidelines for In-Person Worship
    • Ministry Matters:  The Good News of Complete Desperation
    • Ministry Matters:  The Modest Expectations of a Rural Pastor
    • Ministry Matters:  How to Help Country Church Folk Feel Like They Matter
  • Pri 3:  Climate Change
    • U.N. Climate Report Sounds “Code Red for Huimanity”
    • Key Takeaways from the U.N. Climate Panel’s Report
    • National Geographic:  We Have to Stop Emitting Immediately
    • 7 Steps You Can Take Now to Help Avert the Worst Climate Change Consequences
    • Ministry Matters:  Climate Change and Love of Neighbor
    • National Geographic:  Taking the Long Road Back to a Stable Climate
    • National Geographic:  There’s Hope Along the Road to Fixing Climate Change
    • National Geographic:  What We Can Save
    • National Geographic:  One Way We’ve Adapted to Climate Change
  • Pri 4: Division
    • Ministry Matters:  Being the Church in Divisive Times
    • Ministry Matters:  Angry Americans:  How Political Rage Helps Campaigns But Hurts


  • Ministry Matters:  The Politics of Accountability
    • Ministry Matters:  Politics, Ethics and the Voice of the Church
    • How One Pastor is Bridging the Political Divide
    • Ministry Matters:  3 Ways the Church Can Respond to the Capitol Riot
    • Church & Politics
    • Ministry Matters:  Why It’s a Sin to Not Wear a Mask
    • Ministry Matters:  Freedom of Religion Doesn’t Mean Freedom from Mask Mandates
    • Scranton Times-Tribune, 9 October 2021:  Top 1% of Earners Hold More Wealth Than the Middle Class
      • This article addresses the growing financial divide in the country which “is at the core of some of the country’s major political battles.”)
  • Pri 5:  Bigotry
    • Racism
      • Dismantling Racism:  Now, Christians, Let’s Have a Real Conversation
      • Ministry Matters:  The Most Vital Step Your Church Can Take to Address Racism
    • LGBTQ
      • Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science – Association for Psychological


  • The Bible, Homosexuality, and the UMC-Part One
    • 5 Things the General Conference Could Do Regarding Gender Marriage-Part Two
      • A Hopeful Path Forward?-Part Three
    • Immigrants
      • What Your Bible Says About the Treatment of Immigrants
  • Other Considerations
    • District Superintendent’s Invitation to TUMC Following 10/20/20 Church Conference
      • Pastor Beth’s email of 21 October 2020
        • Rev. Walker’s email of 20 October 2020
    • 2020-2022 TUMC Ministry Plan
      • Mission Statement (Our Purpose in Life)
      • Vision Statement (Where We Want to Go, What We Want to Become)
      • Core Values (What We Believe)
      • Our Current Goals
        • Healthy, Growing Relationships
        • Nurture Our Church Family
        • Make Disciples
        • Local and Global Service
        • Bishops’ Pastoral Letter
          • Pandemic Poverty
          • Pandemic Disease
          • Environmental Degradation
          • Proliferation of Weapons (Not Currently a Goal)
          • Proliferation of Violence (Not Currently a Goal)

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